Welcome to Alphabet America, your online home for premium domains, domain news, tech information and mobile technology updates from around the world. Alphabet America is committed to helping the world community stay informed about the world of domains and domain availability.
Mobile Phone Use and Availability …
The number of active cellphones reached 7.1 billion in 2015. That means the number of active cellphones will exceed the total world population in the near future. This does not mean the everyone will have a mobile phone. Many countries are in the development phase of going mobile.
However, every person with a mobile device and mobile broadband will be online, on mobile apps, surfing websites for fun, purpose, information and much more. In more than one hundred countries, the number of phones exceed the population.
In other words, there will be more in-use cellphones and mobile devices than there are people on the planet right now. This mobile phone use and online news comes from an announcement made by Alphabet Global Network Research Institute and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in November 2015.
How Alphabet America Helps …
As more and more nations increase the number of in-use cellphones and mobile devices, Alphabet America Domains is making available premium domains for individuals, local business, charities, non-profits, corporations as well as small local America business.
We make it easier to connect advertisers and local businesses with consumers, clients and customers using premium domains. Alphabet Domains offers easy to remember and easy to type-in domain names.
Alphabet America Domains allows you to seamlessly connect with local and online businesses, clients, customers, consumers or other professionals.
Whether you are in Miami, New York, Honolulu, Dallas, Houston or Seattle, we are available. Alphabet America is available to assist you with your next domain purchase or any of our digital products.